Download iNetWord Editor For FREE
The use of our iNetWord editor is free and straightforward. It’s a cross-browser editor that you can install on any website with just a few lines of code. Instructions are included in the file. Download the latest version of the editor responsible for the most significant shift in writing product reviews and other marketing messages.

Tool is capable to write effective reviews.
- Unparalleled Formatting of Product Reviews
Create any review using point-level formatting, indents, margins, backgrounds, borders, choice of bullets, numbering, spell check, pictures, and more. Thanks to this feature, featured product reviews will be optimized for high conversion rates. (For example read: the review of KIBO code quantum). - Rich Table Formats
Auto-format 1000s of whole-table styles, comparison tables for product features and more - Custom Styles
Create new styles and tweak styles to quickly achieve the exact look of the review page you want.
INetWord editor is well connected.
- Collaboration
Are you working on your review with a VA or business partner? With iNetWord, you can share folders, documents, and pictures. View highlighted changes others made. Revert document with one click. Your document is never overwritten. - One-Click Web Publishing
Easier to create and update product reviews and supporting pages - Integration Architecture
Add the capabilities and convenience of iNetWord to your online service seamlessly.
Tool Comparison
Although iNetWord has been deprecated, it’s still fully functional and has the capabilities to create and edit documents, product reviews and web pages. This editor can replace expensive and troublesome desktop editors.
The chart below compares iNetWord’s capabilities with those of Microsoft Word and htmlArea.

iNetWord Video Tour
iNetWord Tour
Video tour below shows how easy and powerful this tool is.

Predesigned pages:

Unique pages: